Grain free, dairy free, all vegan - rainbow tabouli salad
Tabouli Salad has been a staple in my house for as long as I can remember - as I assume is custom in most mediterranean households. It was always a fresh, simple, delicious, healthy and filling start to a meal and I have enjoyed the fresh and clean flavors - mainly because they are all so different and crispy but come together in a beautiful salad!
I was asked to create a grain free a recipe for a cookbook and immediately thought of this healthy, delicious, fresh and versatile dish. I added in a few differences and switched out grain for quinoa, but this recipe, that I made totally on a whim, might be my absolute favorite salad to date! Enjoy!
3 Cup of Quinoa
4 Cups of Purple and Yellow Cauliflower
2 Cups of MicroGreens
4 Cups of Parsley
½ Cup of cherry tomatoes
4 Tablespoon of fresh lemon juice
½ cup of olive oil
½ tablespoon red pepper flakes
1 tablespoon sesame seeds
Salt & Pepper to taste
Half of a local orange or prefered citrus
1 Cup walnuts
How to:
Preheat oven to 375 degrees
Add cauliflower on a sheet pan coated in Olive Oil, Salt, Pepper
Place cauliflower in oven for 30 minutes or until tender - poke fork inside and if it goes through easily then its ready
Toast quinoa in saucepan with olive oil for 2 minutes
Add in 5 cups of water and bring to a boil - make sure to season until the water tastes like the sea
Turn heat down to simmer and leave uncovered for 15 minutes or until fluffy - make sure to fluff with a fork as it cooks every 5 minutes
Once finished take off burner and let cool
Chop parsley into very small pieces,
Toast walnuts in pan or oven until slightly aromatic
Add lemon juice, olive oil, salt, pepper, red pepper flakes together into a mason jar and mix until combined
Peel and slice orange into small pieces
Cut cherry tomatoes into small slices
In a large bowl, mix parlsey, tomatoes, quinoa, walnuts, orange, sesame seeds, cauliflower and microgreens
Pour dressing overtop and mix, mix, MIX until combined
Voila! Rainbow Colored, Grain Free, Dairy Free, Tabouli Salad!
Also optional to add in vegan cheese such as Kite Hill Foods Ricotta