Dry Brushing
Dry Brushing!
What is it? Why do I do it? Benefits? Magic? What?!
I began dry brushing in college with a loofa with a wooden stick attached, mainly for the hard to reach places I couldn't use a regular loofa for. Never knowing the benefits other than having an acne free and soft back and body - I continued this process until about a year ago when I did some research (thanks to Lee From America) and discovered what I had been doing forever was actually beneficial and I should be incorporating it all over my bod. SO thats what I did! I purchased this dry brush here, and began dry brushing before and sometimes after my showers (before lotion). Wanna know why I brush my body with hard bristles that - quite frankly- don't feel THAT great? Read below to find out!
Why?: Dry brushing helps shed dead skin cells, encourages cell renewal, which uncovers brighter and smoother skin. In addition to the 'beauty' benefits, it also helps with blood circulation, lymphatic drainage (think under arm pits, ladies!!), ingrown hairs, as well as eneergized skin, increased moisture absorption and even a boost in your immune system! (WHAT?!)
When?: I dry brush before or after my showers - I use it in a circular motion moving UPWARDS on my body
What does it feel like?: I'm not going to sugar coat it - it feels like rough bristles scratching your body (in the best way?) but after wards you feel more awake, energized and SOFT
I hope that helps with all the questions I've been receiving! If you have any additional questions feel free to reach out to me at Anastasia@LandOfPleasantEating.com !